DIAJ Award Winners - 2022

At the end of each year, Door Is A Jar Magazine honors two contributors that best represented the year's submissions. Anyone who submits work to Door is a Jar Magazine has a chance at winning this award.

The 2022 winners of the DIAJ Award are Mea Andrews and Alonso S. Hernandez. Their poetry and fiction both use language in a way that allude to an emotions or events larger than what's contained in their pages.

When judging for this award, we look for pieces that are accessible and relatable in a way that goes hand in hand with one of our core values — the value of making our publication open and available to everyone.

Mea Andrews

Mea Andrews is a writer from Georgia, who currently resides in China. She has just finished her MFA from Lindenwood University and is only recently back on the publication scene. You can find her in Vermilion, Rappahannock Review, and others. You can also follow her on Instagram at mea_writes or go to her website at meaandrews.com

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Alonso S. Hernandez

Alonso S. Hernandez is a writer/teacher in the West Valley of Phoenix, Arizona. He lives with his fiancée and two dogs, Harley and Tatum. A first generation Mexican-American, Alonso is very aware (and proud) of the way that his roots have shaped him by giving him a love of family, hard work, and Abuelita hot chocolate.

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