Customer Service FAQ

Thank you for being a reader and for being part of the Door Is A Jar family!

How do I modify, renew, or cancel my subscription?

If you would like to update a mailing address on your subscription, renew your account,
cancel your account, or make other changes to your print subscription, you may do so here.

When will my magazine delivery begin?

We publish four times a year, so delivery of your first issue can take up to four–six weeks
after we receive your order.

I cancelled my subscription, but still received a copy of the magazine. Why?

Typically we need about two weeks before any changes can take effect. If you’re still
receiving your magazine after that much time has passed, please

What digital subscriptions do I have access to?

With a digital subscription, you have access to 4 new digital PDFs and archive access.

Can I buy Door Is A Jar in stores?

Yes. The magazine is available at newsstands across the United States.

How can I buy a gift subscription for a friend?

You're a good friend for asking that! You may purchase a gifted subscription here.