DIAJ Award Winners - 2021

At the end of each year, Door Is A Jar Magazine honors two contributors that best represented the year's submissions. Anyone who submits work to Door is a Jar Magazine has a chance at winning this award.

The 2021 winners of the DIAJ Award are Benjamin Bagocius and Elijah Christopher.

When judging for this award, we look for pieces that are accessible and relatable in a way that goes hand in hand with one of our core values — the value of making our publication open and available to everyone.

Benjamin Bagocius

Benjamin Bagocius (he, him, his) teaches writing and literature at Bard High School Early College in Cleveland, Ohio. His writes at intersections of literature, spirituality, and queer thought, and his work appears or is forthcoming in a range of venues, including On Being, Tiferet, Pensive, The Other Journal, Soul-Lit, Rat's Ass Review, After the Pause, and elsewhere. He facilitates Soul Salon, an online spiritual writing-and-conversation gathering. Join us! Learn more and reach out at benjaminbagocius.com or IG @benjaminbagocius.

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Elijah Christopher

I am a twenty-three-year-old creative writer who have had pizza once. I hold a bachelor’s degree in English from Obafemi Awolowo University. I spend most of my time at the riverside of Lagos walking, meditating, writing and taking spontaneous pictures of nature.

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