Issue 15 Summer 2020 of Door Is A Jar Literary Magazine features the creative works of 36 contributors from all around the world

Taiwo Patrick Akanbi

Dylan Benjamin

Rick Blum

Anney Bolgiano

S. T. Brant

Christine Brooks

Holly Day

RC deWinter

Thomas Elson

Leon Fedolfi

Clive Aaron Gill

Warren Paul Glover

John Grey

Bree Devones Hsieh

Ibrahim Babátúndé Ibrahim

Marc Janseen

Wilson Koewing

J. Edward Kruft

Michael Lacare

Michael R. Lane

Richard Luftig

Michael Lopez

DS Maolalai

Ken Mootz

Zach Murphy

Olivier Pagy

Niles Reddick

Adam Rose

Maria Sakr

Claire Scott

Yash Seyedbagheri

Steve Slavin

Carmi Soifer

Edward Michael Supranowicz

Richard Widerkehr
